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Bird Protection

More transparency and bird protection.

Glass is a central design element of contemporary architecture. The reflective and transparent properties of glass offer many advantages, however, for birds, windows and glass facades pose a danger. For example, the reflection of trees and shrubs are seen by birds as supposed “natural landing pads”. Or glass is not recognised as an obstacle, as birds see a natural “way through”. Bird impact is therefore a major factor in the decline in the global bird population.

With ISOLAR ORNILUX® we have developed a product family that resolves the problem of bird impact with scientific solutions. Functionality, efficiency and aesthetics need not be in contradiction to life-friendly architecture. That is why ISOLAR ORNILUX® is provided with a UV-reflecting coating. Birds can recognise this coating because they can see parts of the UV area. On the other hand, the coating is almost invisible to the human eye, which no longer results in the contradiction of transparency in architecture and bird protection.

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